BIRTH: A New Story, is an emerging documentary film by Samara Concepción that explores what is possible beyond the medical model of birth.

This documentary film gathers the research and wisdom of birth experts, traditional birth keepers and empowered birth givers, to offer new possibilities for families beyond the industrial model of birth.

Why now?

Women and their babies are undergoing birth interventions more than ever before. Induction of labour, synthetic oxytocin, epidurals, forceps and caesarean sections have become the norm because the medical system has to uphold strict safety guidelines, which are dependent on technology and pharmaceutical drugs to manage the outcome of birth.

At the same time, evidence-based research is challenging the validity of many of these interventions and growing concerns about their overuse. However, this information rarely reaches those who would most benefit from it; women and couples on their way to becoming parents.

My vision is to provide emerging families with the stories, information and research which is often missing or completely absent in modern maternity care. I hope to expand society’s perception of what is possible in birth and support the emergence of a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy and birth.